Human Health

From Bench to Bedside and Back Again

Discovery Research

Diversigen is your comprehensive microbiome resource. Let us apply our extensive experience with highly diverse sample types, our scalable sequencing platforms, and exceptional bioinformatic capacity to help you find answers to your research questions. Our fast and reliable turnaround times, consistently high quality sequencing data and personalized customer service will give the confidence you need to move to the next step in your research program.


“Through our partnership with Diversigen, we are converting finite biosamples into reusable assets that will enable researchers across the country to not only gain expedited access to molecular data, but also leverage uniform datasets across projects, ultimately generating a critical mass of information necessary to advance the science.”

Angela Dobes, MPH, Senior Director IBD Plexus, Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation

Clinical Research

Diversigen has unmatched experience in clinical microbiome study design and execution. We can support you as you design your trial by providing evidence-based recommendations on patient stratification, sample collection, timing, and methodology.  Our high-resolution microbial profiles can be used to stratify patient populations and to identify microbes and microbial genes that are influencing clinical outcomes.

“[Diversigen] has been a valuable corporate collaborator in our studies of the human microbiome delivering high-quality, genomic data in a timely manner. I’ve appreciated their responsiveness and willingness to work with Seres Health on meeting our various genomic characterization needs and look forward to continuing to work with [Diversigen] to support our future sequencing efforts.”

Dr. Matthew Henn, Executive VP and Chief Scientific Officer at Seres Therapeutics.
Human health


Profiling the human microbiome is leading to novel diagnostic methods for preventing, diagnosing, and predicting disease. Our reproducible and accurate assays, combined with world-class machine-learning analytics can help customers build predictive models of disease and identify biomarkers for precision medicine.


“[Diversigen’s] DNA sequencing platform and innovative bioinformatics methods for data analysis will be critical for development of the LifeKit® Prevent test. Prescient Metabiomics will leverage [Diversigen’s] discovery platform to accelerate development and validation through the FDA’s Breakthrough Devices Program.”

Dr. Keri Donaldson, CEO Prescient Medicine

Live Biotherapeutics

Live biotherapeutics represent a revolutionary approach to the prevention and treatment of human disease. Our analyses can help identify microbial candidates for live biotherapeutic products and also serve as QC/QA assays for manufacturing processes.

“Clinical studies of RBX2660 have demonstrated its potential to prevent recurrent C. diff infection, and early progress with RBX7455 has also been promising. Now, through our collaboration with [Diversigen] and its BoosterShot® technology, we can demonstrate how our drug platform rehabilitates a dysbiotic human microbiome,”

Lee Jones, President and CEO of Rebiotix

Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT)

Many researchers are exploring the role for FMTs in replenishing the human microbiome to treat a variety of diseases. Our accurate and thorough analyses of complex patient and donor microbiomes can provide novel insights into functional consequences of FMT and biomarkers of successful treatment.

Drug Target Discovery

Our fast turnaround and highly accurate and quality-controlled data can help streamline the drug discovery process, allowing customers to iterate quickly and identify strains and microbial byproducts involved in disease. We have experience in both natural and drug-driven therapeutics, focusing on both new development and enhancement of currently available therapies.

Pathogen Surveillance

Hospitals across the world are adopting next-generation DNA sequencing as a complement to traditional culture-based methods for pathogen surveillance and diagnostics. This information can be used to track and understand the spread of outbreaks and antibiotic resistant bacteria in clinical settings, and for safeguarding sensitive manufacturing processes. We have experience characterizing the microbiota in unique environments and can help you establish biological surveillance and location monitoring so you can identify microbial agents before widespread infection.

Learn How Diversigen Can Partner with You

Every microbiome experiment has to some extent unique source materials, sample volumes, and research questions. The choice of an optimal mix of technologies and specifications will depend upon those particulars.

In order to ensure that your experimental design is optimal, we initiate all projects with an in-depth discussion about your goals via email or teleconference.

Please contact us to start that conversation

Diversigen provides services and generates data for research purposes only.  Not all services are available in all regions.