Metatranscriptomic Service Capture the activity of the gut microbiome with gene expression profiling

The metatranscriptome represents an entire microbial community’s gene expression profile, providing a complete picture of a sample’s microbial functions and expression levels. This profile provides valuable information about the microbial activity, community dynamics and interaction between the microbes and the host.

The analysis of microbial expression is challenging due to cumbersome extraction, the overwhelming presence of ribosomal RNA and the need for complex bioinformatic analysis.

Diversigen’s scientists developed the metatranscriptomic service to deliver valuable insights into microbial activity with gene expression profiles and taxonomic information.


  • Comprehensive analysis, including gene expression profiles, taxonomic profiles and diversity metrics.
  • Curated database containing over 190,000 genomes and 100 million unique genes
  • Optimized RNA extraction of stool with enhanced microbial mRNA recovery

Robust and reproducible gene expression profiles of stool at 25 M reads

Optimized sample processing ensures microbial mRNA recovery to generate reproducible gene expression profiles at an average 25 M read depth.

Robust and reproducible identification of KEGG Orthology pathways

COG functional groups in stool

Metatranscriptomic Services enables robust and reproducible identification of the top 10 KEGG Orthology pathways.
Metatranscriptomic service enables robust and reproducible identification of the top 10 KEGG Orthology pathways.
Metatranscriptomic Services enables robust and reproducible identification of the top 10 COG functional groups in stool.
Metatranscriptomic service enables robust and reproducible identification of the top 10 COG functional groups in stool.

Taxonomic and gene expression profiles provide valuable insights into the gut microbiota

By accurately annotating sequences based on a curated functional and taxonomic database, our metatranscriptomic service provides heat maps of gene expression profiles that allow for:

  • Understanding temporal changes in microbial gene expression
  • Gaining insight into disease onset, aging and therapeutic intervention
  • Discovering microbe-host interactions and microbial community dynamics


Top 50 species identified from taxonomic data captured from gut microbiome samples

Heat map of the relative abundance of functional genes activity in the gut microbiome

Taxonomic and gene expression data captures the top 50 species of the gut microbiome.
Taxonomic and gene expression data captures the top 50 species of the gut microbiome.
Taxonomic and gene expression data captures the relative abundance of ortholog groups (KO numbers) heat map from 3 donors at 9 time points.
Taxonomic and gene expression data captures the relative abundance of ortholog groups (KO numbers) heat map from 3 donors at 9 time points.

Our team is on your side

Our team of expert scientists, bioinformaticians, and project managers will expand, scale, and enrich your discoveries. 

By partnering with Diversigen, you will experience exceptional customer support and you will leverage our expertise at every step of your project.

Diversigen provides services and generates data for research purposes only.  Not all services are available in all regions.