Core Analysis™ Full Data Report

Core Analysis is our comprehensive annotation and analysis pipeline that delivers your data through our customer portal. You’ll not only get sequence data, but also taxonomic and functional profiles and comparative plots delivered with every project.

Explore Data via Our Interactive Data Report

Every Diversigen project comes with our extensive Core Analysis informatics report.  You will receive everything from raw and filtered sequencing data in fasta and fastq format to final strain and gene tables in an interactive report for exploring your data, depending on the type of data we are analysing.

For amplicon, shallow shotgun and deep shotgun sequencing data the Core Analysis report includes finely tuned quality control and filtering, species and function tables (ex. OTU tables), alpha-diversity and beta-diversity estimates and interactive plots.

For strain analysis sequencing data the Core Analysis report includes annotated draft genome assemblies, inferred taxonomy and comparative genomic analyses.

Your Core Analysis report also includes useful tools for exploring high-level trends in your data using beta diversity, alpha diversity, taxonomic, and functional profiles.

If you provide Diversigen with metadata linked to your samples with our electronic sample submission form, we will include those metadata in the 3D beta diversity visualization.

Core Analysis Basics

The Core Analysis report is included with every microbiome sequencing project we deliver. If you have externally generated data in .fastq format we can create Core Analysis reports for you.



BenchMark™ Amplicon Sequencing Core Analysis Includes:

  • Taxonomic assignments via fully optimal gapped DNA sequence alignment to a curated reference database
  • Functional predictions (16S) via alignment to a curated reference database
  • Sequencing quality-control dashboard
  • Interactive visualizations that leverage your sample metadata
  • Fastqs: adaptor-trimmed and quality-filtered sequencing data
  • Fasta: trimmed, stitched and combined DNA sequences in QIIME-ready

Review example BenchMark Amplicon Sequencing report.


BoosterShot® (Shallow) and DeepSeq™ (Deep) Shotgun Sequencing Core Analysis Includes:

  • Strain-level and species-level taxonomic assignments via fully-optimal gapped DNA sequence alignment to a curated reference database
  • Direct functional profiling via alignment to a curated reference database, reported as KEGG orthology groups, modules, and pathways
  • Strain coverage tables
  • Sequencing quality-control dashboard
  • Interactive visualizations that leverage your sample metadata
  • Fastqs: adaptor-trimmed and quality-filtered sequencing data
  • Fasta: trimmed and combined DNA sequences in QIIME-ready format

Review example shallow shotgun sequencing report.
Review example deep shotgun sequencing report. 


StrainView™ Strain Analysis Core Analysis Includes:

  • Genome annotations
  • Taxonomic assignments via fully optimal gapped DNA sequence alignment to a curated reference database
  • Antimicrobial resistance profiles
  • Virulence factor profiles
  • Sequencing quality-control dashboard
  • Interactive assembly report
  • Interactive visualizations that leverage your sample metadata
  • Fastqs: adaptor-trimmed and quality-filtered sequencing data
  • Contigs & Scaffolds

Turnaround Times:

The standard turnaround time for data reporting for amplicon sequencing, shotgun sequencing (shallow or deep), or strain analysis projects is 4-6 weeks starting when the samples arrive at Diversigen.

Large projects beyond 1,000 samples or those with ultra-deep sequencing may require additional time. Project turnaround times can be adjusted to meet your needs.

What if I need more?

Your Core Analysis report includes useful tools for exploring high-level trends in your data using beta diversity, alpha diversity, taxonomic, and functional profiles.

If you provide Diversigen with metadata linked to your samples within our electronic sample submission form, we will include those metadata in the 3D beta diversity visualization.

The standard Core Analysis report does not include hypothesis testing, biomarker discovery, or other custom analysis. If your research goals include those types of analyses we recommend our full-service bioinformatics consulting service we call CorePlus™ Analysis.

Please contact our microbiome scientists if you are interested in learning about our custom data visualization, biomarker discovery, and machine learning capabilities; or for an exact turnaround time for your project.

Diversigen provides services and generates data for research purposes only.  Not all services are available in all regions.