qPCR Assay Design

Quantify microbial biomarkers with high sensitivity and dynamic range

Our team of qPCR experts is ready to work closely with you in the development of a qPCR assay to deliver highly sensitive quantification of target taxonomic biomarkers. We will design de novo primers for your target of interest then rigorously test and optimize every variable within the workflow to ensure your assay generates reliable data.  

Already have an assay in mind? We can start from there as well.

Scientific Expertise

Receive support through every step of the process from our qPCR experts who will provide personalized service and recommendations to maximize your results.

Designed For Specificity

Target your taxonomic biomarker of interest with primer and probe sets developed and evaluated in silico by our team of bioinformatics experts for optimal genomic matches. Your primers will then be used for assay testing and reporting.

Rigorous Testing

Our scientists will thoroughly test across multiple parameters within our GLP/GCP compliant process to ensure your assay generates trustworthy data.

Workflow of qPCR assay design

Plan your qPCR project with Diversigen scientists for optimal study design and reliable data outputs.

Whether you have an idea, a preferred method, or are having difficulty using a current assay, our team is ready to help design qPCR solutions.

Assay design

Using sequence information for your target-of-interest our expert-guided bioinformatics workflow will help select the optimal primer and probes for your assay through simulated testing across various parameters including: thermocycling conditions, specificity, primer dimers (homodimer and heterodimers) and more.

Have a microbe of interest without available genomic sequence data? Combine our qPCR service with one of our sequencing services to generate additional genomic reference data in tandem. 

Assay qualification

Using the identified primer-probe set our wet lab team will conduct a pilot study to complete in vitro testing and further optimize the assay. As needed, our team will adjust workflow variables or alter the primer set to achieve a functional assay capable of generating reliable results.

Once completed this assay is now ready to move on to sample testing. 


Assay validation

Planning to process clinical trial samples to support submission to the FDA? Be confident in your qPCR results with our full assay validation process. Our team will rigorously test your assay under additional parameters following GLP/GCP guidelines. Our quality assurance team provides oversight to ensure documentation and data reporting from your project and are ready to support your FDA submission. 


Sample testing

Process your study samples with your newly designed qPCR assay to generate highly sensitive quantification of biomarkers.

Generate data following MIQE guidelines to ensure it is publication ready.*

Leverage your completed qPCR assay at Diversigen across multiple studies.  



Receive comprehensive reports from every step of your project including recommended next steps in the process to maximum results in your downstream application of the assay. Our team of accessible qPCR experts will be ready to discuss the best route to achieve your study goals.  

*applicable to validated assays only 

qPCR assay applications

qPCR is a great approach when highly sensitive detection of taxonomic biomarkers is required. Our service’s capability to be run with GCP/GLP compliance, if required, make it a valuable addition to support FDA submissions.

Example projects: 

  • Inclusion or exclusionary criteria for study donors based on specific bacterial presence 
  • Limit of detection studies 
  • Proprietary strain tracking and quantification through production or patient consumption 
Suggested sample types

qPCR is compatible with processing a variety of microbiome sample types including: 

  • Fecal 
  • Batch cultures 
  • Skin swabs 
  • Vaginal swabs 
  • Oral swabs or saliva
  • OMNIgene•GUT Dx


Please reach out to our scientific team to discuss your sample type and qPCR project.

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Our qPCR workflow can precede or follow our metagenomic and isolate shotgun sequencing services or can be run in parallel for the same project. Check out our other services below or contact us to discuss your microbiome service needs.

Diversigen’s Metatranscriptomic Service delivers valuable insights into microbial activity with gene expression and taxonomic profiles.

Diversigen’s BenchMark service leverages optimized amplicon sequencing of marker genes such as 16S V4, 16S V1-V3, or ITS2 for accurate microbiome profiling. 

BoosterShot is Diversigen’s shallow shotgun sequencing service. Highly-accurate, BoosterShot provides full species-level resolution and functional profiling for large scale studies.